As is known, with the European Green Deal Document published in December 2019, Europe aims to become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050. With this goal, the European Union is implementing a strategy that will transform its entire industry and suppliers in the world and is putting forward a green growth strategy.
The concept that emerged with this growth strategy, “green transformation”, is a term widely used to express efforts aimed at achieving an environmentally friendly and sustainable future. This concept covers a series of policies, strategies and practices aimed at ensuring economic, social and environmental sustainability. The main objectives of green transformation include increasing energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, minimizing environmental pollution and increasing social participation.
Green transformation aims to reduce the environmental impact of various industries and social sectors by promoting a lifestyle that is less damaging to ecosystems. Measures can be applied in various sectors, including energy production, transportation, agriculture and urban planning. The basic elements of green transformation may include switching to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, improving waste management and investing in environmentally friendly technologies.
Another important aspect of green transformation is the promotion of public awareness and participation. Collaboration between different sectors of society, including businesses, civil society organizations and governments, is essential in this process. Green transformation emerged as a response to climate change, depletion of natural resources and environmental challenges, and many countries and organizations around the world have taken various initiatives in this regard.
In Turkey, there are many public institutions and organizations that focus on the field of “green transformation” and offer very valuable studies, targets and strategies in this regard in terms of promoting public awareness.
Within the scope of this target and strategy, the carbon emissions of businesses and the monitoring of these emissions are of critical importance, and the reduction of carbon emissions stands out as the performance indicator of green transformation.
Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement by the Parliament in 2021 and the announcement of our country’s reduction commitment at the COP27 climate summit held in 2022, Green Transformation in Industry in Turkey has gained great momentum. Within the scope of Green Transformation, institutions are expected to establish Sustainable Management Systems and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in short, decarbonization.
In this context, the TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) Carbon Platform has been developed to meet the need in question. With the platform, businesses will be able to record their carbon emission values in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and ISO1464, monitor these values and become ready for reporting. In order to comply with the said goals and strategies, all TOBB member businesses, especially industrial businesses and businesses exporting to Europe, calculate, record and monitor their carbon emissions.
In addition, the Turkey Green Industry Project covers a series of initiatives carried out to promote environmental sustainability in the industrial sector, reduce the carbon footprint and comply with international green transformation standards. These projects are important for supporting Turkey’s sustainable development goals and creating an industrial policy compatible with international frameworks such as the European Green Deal.
The general objectives of the Green Industry Project are; “Carbon Neutral Production”, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Use”, “Transition to Circular Economy”, “Green Finance and Technology” and “International Competitiveness” can be listed.
On the other hand, if we list the projects and policies that stand out under the title of “Green Transformation in Industry” in Turkey;
- Green Deal Action Plan; Turkey has determined strategic steps to reduce carbon emissions in the industrial sector within the framework of the European Green Deal. This plan aims to accelerate the transformation processes especially for energy-intensive sectors.
- Ministry of Industry and Technology Studies; The Ministry of Industry and Technology encourages green practices such as renewable energy and efficient water use in industrial zones with the “Green OSB (Organized Industrial Zones)” In addition, incentives are offered to companies that engage in green production.
- Clean Production Technologies Projects; Support programs are carried out by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change to popularize clean production technologies in industry.
- Green Finance and Green Bonds; Bond and credit mechanisms have been developed to be used in financing green projects. Supports aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are particularly noteworthy.
- Carbon Market and Trading Mechanisms; It is planned to establish and operate carbon trading mechanisms that encourage the reduction of carbon emissions.
If we list the Green Industry Practices Prominent in the World;
- European Union (EU)
Green Deal; The EU has developed a comprehensive strategy to reduce carbon emissions in the industrial sector. Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): It encourages green production by imposing additional costs on the import of carbon-intensive products. Renewable energy projects and circular economy strategies are rapidly spreading in EU countries.
- China
Green Industrial Policies; As the world’s largest production center, China is carrying out transformation studies in carbon-intensive sectors. Clean energy investments have gained momentum in line with the “2030 Carbon Peak and 2060 Carbon Neutral” targets. China, which continues to be the world leader in electric vehicle production, also stands out in solar panel production.
Green Economy Investments; The USA offers billions of dollars in incentives for renewable energy and green industry projects with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Electric vehicles, hydrogen energy and carbon capture technologies are at the forefront of the USA’s industrial transformation.
- Japan
Green Technologies; Japan is one of the leading countries in developing energy efficient industrial equipment and innovative production processes. Major investments are being made in hydrogen energy infrastructure.
- Northern European Countries
Countries such as Sweden, Norway and Finland have developed technologies that do not use fossil fuels in steel production. Bioenergy and carbon capture technologies are widely used.
As a result; green transformation in industry is a critical process in terms of both protecting the environment and making economic growth sustainable. Global cooperation and innovation play a key role in the success of this transformation.
At this point; A significant reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, an increase in the number of businesses that produce green, being able to compete more strongly with products that comply with environmental standards in international markets and using natural resources more sustainably, etc. many targets are the criteria targeted for green transformation in industry in the new world order.
However, the perception of green transformation in industry is part of a long-term vision that aims to align economic growth with environmental sustainability. The successful implementation of these projects will provide environmental and economic benefits at both local and global levels.
TOBB – Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
Lema, R., & Perez, C; “The green transformation as a new direction for techno-economic development”, 2024;
Caijuan, Liang; “Exploring the “Green” Transformation Planning of Industrial Parks in the Era of Low Carbon Economy”, World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021;
Türkiye Yeşil Sanayi Projesi | TÜBİTAK | Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu

She graduated from Çankaya University Faculty of Law in 2005. In the same year, she completed her master’s degree in Constitutional Law at Çankaya University, Department of Public Law. Until 2011, she worked as an ODY-ÜDY Instructor at Vocational Training Centers affiliated with the Ministry of Transport. For approximately 15 years, she has been working as a legal expert at the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). Initially, she was involved in Foreign Trade and International Logistics at TOBB and represented the United Nations for nearly seven years. She is currently serving as a legal expert in the SME Policies Directorate within the TOBB Department of Real Sector R&D and Implementation.
Meanwhile, she is working on completing her doctoral dissertation in Administrative Law at Gazi University, Department of Public Law-Administrative Law. After completing her thesis on TOBB, which is recognized by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in Turkey, she plans to publish it as a book.
Additionally, since 2023, she has been writing columns in the London section of “DÜNDAR HUKUK” and “DÜNDAR LEGAL SERVICE CONSULTANCY,” which have established themselves internationally, particularly in the field of energy and renewable energy.